So it has been FOREVER since I blogged! I actually literally forgot I had a blog until I saw my Aunt Miki’s blog today, and then I was sitting there thinking “I have one of those! …which is severely neglected…” lol

So I am at OSU studying the Strategic Communication track of the Communication Major and it’s just perfect for me. The major will deal with not only Marketing things, but will also encompass Public Relations, general Communications, Event Planning, Logistics, etc. It’s wonderful! I can’t wait!

Also, I work for Cap City Fine Diner & Bar in Gahanna. ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s a Cameron Mitchell restaurant and I love EVERYTHING about CMR & being a Server. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love the people I work with; they’re like family. CMR promotes a FANTASTIC environment in which to work and I actually enjoy work completely which has never really happened for me. I’d love to continue working for CMR once I have my degree if at all possible. ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh, so personal life! I have the most amazing bf I’ve ever had for sure ๐Ÿ™‚ Travis is wonderful! He opens the car door for me, he shares a lot of my interests, and we just always have fun together!

Overall, as you can probably deduct from my account of my life now, my life is pretty good. ๐Ÿ™‚ I can’t complain.

This morning driving to work I realized how frightening the life of a bird is. Though, it is their choice to sit out in the middle of the road for God knows what reason, how often do you seriously see the birds on the road, dodging your car as you come at them at high speeds? Could you imagine doing that for a good portion of your life; sitting there, waiting til something comes along to run you off without what you can see as probable cause? Also, I have noticed it’s as though it doesn’t register to them what is happening until nearly the last second – but they always seem to get out in time!

The life of a bird is not one that I would particularly prefer to lead. No one is afraid of hitting the birds on the road because either they’ll move, as they do in most cases, or they die without a second glance by their murderers.

Deer on the other hand, they are quite the opposite of the birds. They make us stop for them. Driving home at night, (in Ohio anyway), many hear the warning “watch out for deer!” from our host or hostess. When the deer puts its mind to crossing the road, it’s going to do its best to do so whether you make an effort to stop for it or not. Many refer to a fearful look as a “deer in the headlights” look, however, I like to think that the look a deer gives an oncoming car, is its “game face,” one that says, “bring it on!”

I would like to live my life like the deer, making others stop for me, because all too often I’m that poor little bird flying away at the last second or getting smashed on someone’s grill, only to be picked apart by the vultures soon after. Maybe I can learn something from my boyfriend, who last night informed me that his metaphorical “horn” is “permanently tooted.” Haha, he may be a bit of a narcissist, but perhaps its better to have that kind of confidence in yourself, instead of being the bird. ๐Ÿ™‚

Just some food for thought.
Until next time โค

So it just occurred to me that I entitled this blog “The Daily Adventures of Beowoman,” which is not exactly accurate since I blog when and if I get around to it, so for that I do apologize. Though, I’m not sure who I’m apologizing to per se; I don’t exactly think I have a band of followers reading my posts. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyway, life.
I am officially a 2011 graduate of West Liberty-Salem High School and Ohio Hi-Point Career Center! Whoohooo! ๐Ÿ™‚ I actually gave a speech at OHP’s convocation ceremony, which was pretty cool; biggest group I’ve ever spoken in front of!

Also, I am officially a Freshmen at The Ohio State University! ๐Ÿ™‚ I had honors orientation on Wednesday June 15th, and I can’t wait to start my classes! I’m oh SO excited to learn more about the art of Marketing & Communications, the iceberg of which I have just barely begun to uncover! ๐Ÿ™‚
In the fall I will be attending the Lima Campus of OSU and living in an apartment with my BEST friend in the world – Shelby Motter! (Another adventure I’m quite excited for) Speaking of best friends, Justin, my other best friend/kindred spirit from business camp (lol), is officially off to the Coast Guard Academy on Wednesday, June 22nd. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ While I am happy for him in his endeavors, Connecticut is a long way away and he will be missed sorely considering the fact that it’s already rough having him a mere hour away!

Ooh, so some changes in my life. ๐Ÿ™‚ First of all, new boyfriend, Dylan. He’s kind of amazing. I know its tacky to publicly get all “lovey dovey,” especially via the internet, but just REALLY quick: it’s incredibly refreshing to have someone who appreciates and loves all of you soooo much! That’s all I’ll say about that right now, and I suppose if you and I are close, ask me about him; I have plenty to say. ๐Ÿ™‚ Tonight we hung out with Dylan’s best friend (well one of them), Ethan and his girlfriend, Brittany, for a little while, and I have to say that was really quite fun, and I have a feeling that good friendships started tonight. ๐Ÿ™‚ Also, something new, I found a car to purchase today! YAY! I will, come Monday, be driving a 1999 Green Honda Accord with 92,000 miles. ๐Ÿ™‚ I can’t wait! It’s all mine!

Well, if you look at the time stamp on this, it’s obviously late. I will be going to bed now, but I’m going to try to write more frequently! Toodles! ๐Ÿ™‚

Just thought I’d share my farewell Hi-Point Journeys blog entry with all of you ๐Ÿ™‚

As I am about to say goodbye to nearly everything Iโ€™ve known for the past 2 years, I canโ€™t help but notice what Iโ€™ve gained. So, I am instead, choosing to say hello to the new me. :)

Ohio Hi-Point has, without a doubt, changed me forever. The sophomore who came through those doors when I first discovered OHP, or even to the junior who showed up on my first day as a student here,ย  doesnโ€™t even begin to compare to the senior (and almost real adult!) I am today. I have learned SOOOO many things here; a list would be impossible to compile. Ohio Hi-Point has taken the self-conscious girl I was and given me the tools and knowledge to become an inspirational, self-confident woman. I feel totally prepared to step out into the real world, both on the personal and the professional levels.

Though everyone at Ohio Hi-Point has played a part in changing me into who I am today, I would like to thank some people specifically for what theyโ€™ve done for me.

First, a GIANT thank you to Miss Blackburn! Without her help I would not have been able to accomplish all that I did in my 2 years at Hi-Point. She helped me reach all of my certification goals, evaluate my career options, and decide what college would fit my needs the best. Any time I had a question about IT, even if it was non-assignment related, she would take time out of our class period to assist me so I could learn something I had not known before. Her class pushed me to do my best and inspired me to go for my dreams.

Second, a great big thank you to Mrs. Hall, my guidance counselor here at OHP. She was constantly giving me info on scholarships, and helping me figure out what college was the best for me as well!ย  I was probably in her office at least twice a month this year, and a lot more than that during the oh-so-busy scholarship aplication season. She was a HUGE help!

Next, Mr. Gilbert. I donโ€™t think I couldโ€™ve done so well this year without his help! His class was exactly the motivation I needed to get me prepped for college and excited about it. I actually LIKE writing papers now and do it quite a bit more efficiently thanks to all of the practice. ;) Also, he was always willing to give help on other writing assignments we had like scholarship essays, and he always understood when the stress scale had tipped a bit on the heavy side for me and I just needed an extra day for an assignment, which helped me a TON. Mr. Gilbertโ€™s class taught me alot about what I can do and about who I am as a person and Iโ€™m so greatful for those insights!

Finally, Iโ€™d like to thank my friends (you know who you are :) ). Being at OHP every weekday for 9 months out of the year for 2 years was one of the best social experiences of my life. Iโ€™ve loved laughing with you, stressing with you, and working with you! Whether Iโ€™ve known you for 2 weeks or 2 years of being at OHP, I will never forget the memories we made on campus, and youโ€™ve been a critical part of making me who I am today. I love you so much!

So, with that, I bid ado to Ohio Hi-Point as my high school, and say hello to who Iโ€™ve become because of it. :)

Hello people of the Internet!

So… it’s not the weekend as I promised, but I will go ahead and update you on the events that transpired at the BPA state competitions on Thursday. (See pics below post as well!) ๐Ÿ™‚ I competed in Advanced Interview Skills on Thursday, and it didn’t go as well as I had hoped. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ The worst part was that the interviewer, get this, VIEWED A TEXT MESSAGE right in the middle of our interview! I thought this was Business PROFESSIONALS of America! Oh well, it is what it is. I ended up placing in the top ten, but not in the top three which would have allowed me to move onto nationals. This is sort of bitter sweet. It obviously would’ve been great to move onto Nationals and experience that, however, I have ALOT going on and throwing another thing in there may have complicated things.

Speaking of what I have going on…

I made round three of Charlie Sheen’s search for his #TigerBloodIntern! ๐Ÿ™‚ Talk about winning! Haha. It would be really amazing to actually get the position, though I’m not getting my hopes up about it. The next stage involves a video answering an interview question. So, be looking on my youtube channel:ย for that video! (Should be tomorrow, if not Wednesday!) Also, I plan to post it on here later this week. ๐Ÿ™‚

In other news, the Duley family is moving to Arizona this week. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ They are such a neat family, and I will definitely miss them sorely! [If anyone would like to donate funds for my eventual road trip down there, please feel free to contact me. ๐Ÿ˜‰ lol] This weekend I went to 2 different going away parties for them and spent talking, laughing, eating, and not to mention dancing with not only Bill and Krissy, but also their children, Sam (3 years) and Claire (I want to say 7 months?). It will be hard losing my youth leader, Bill, and his HYSTERICAL wife Krissy, along with 2 of the funniest children I know! Learning about their family and growing to love them has been one of the joys in my life for the past several months, and I’m already looking forward to visits down to AZ and dreading missing all of the changes and phases the kids will go through and laughing at them with Bill and Krissy!

Oh, but onto something happier, on Sunday afternoon, Ben and I went to see an off-broadway performance of ย Les Miserables at the Ohio Theatre in Columbus for Ben’s birthday! (which, was in October… but that’s when I bought the tickets, so don’t think I forgot it or anything ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) It was a wonderful performance, and Ben especially enjoyed the special effects which really made the show come to life. There were so many cool transformations that happened with the aid of a projection screen in the back! For example, when Jean Van Jean was going from the barricade to the sewers underground, the backdrop literally showed the scene of above ground going down through the earth and the dirt into a sewer tunnel scene! It was simply amazing!

And coming up this week…

Sunday the 27th I will be giving the message at my church, Quest Community Church in West Liberty, OH. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m super excited for that! It will be just me, my bible, and what God has for me to tell the church. ๐Ÿ™‚ If it interests anyone, sometime in the week following there will be a podcast available on the church’s website ( and I will most likely post my outline or notes or something of the sort to give you an overview of my topic. ๐Ÿ™‚

And finally, Spring break is so near I can taste it! Ohio Hi-Point’s Spring Break starts after the end of the quarter on Friday! Yippee! ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m excited to take a week off and relax! Which also means more time for writing to my lovely cyber friends. ๐Ÿ™‚ Also, I will be making my siblings jealous as WL-S only has the Friday the 1st and the following Monday as a “Spring Break.”

And now for those pictures!


The Duleys!

I held Claire most of the night, but nothing made her smile like Corey! lol

Claire is such a sweet baby! ๐Ÿ™‚

Sam wanted to be trash, so Ben carried him around like this ๐Ÿ™‚

Where to start, it’s been SOOO long!

Senior year is coming to a close. This is bittersweet of course, but mostly sweet. ๐Ÿ™‚
Friday the 5th I went to visit the Ohio State University, Lima branch and have decided to attend there in the Fall! (Keep in mind this is probably my 512,128th plan for college lol) I made this choice based on the fact that OSU Lima, being part of the Ohio State University, offers a wide range of majors, including my current intended major, Marketing! Also, the degree will be from a well known school, and attending the branch campus seemed like a great option for me in particular because of the financial side of things. And with my major I can continue to save money going to Lima for up to 3 years, or switch to main campus as long as I have a 2.0 GPA (on a 5.0 scale :))!ย  So anyone out there with college decisions in their future, keep in mind everything you have to consider! ๐Ÿ™‚
Also, I found a campus job I want already! (A little premature, I know, but I’m a planner, what can I say? haha) They have students that they pay to be Student Ambassadors, who give campus tours and answer admissions questions for prospective students! How cool is that? Sound familiar? I do that for Ohio Hi-Pointย  already, which makes me totally qualified for that job! ๐Ÿ™‚ (As it turns out, extra-curricular activities do pay off!) I love being a Blogger and an Ambassador at Ohio Hi-Point, so I’m very happy for the potential opportunity to continue similar things in college to earn my extra money! AND they work around your class schedule and want your studies to come first, so asking off is never a problem if you’re having trouble keeping up with your studies! I love it!
Anyway, I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I am sooo happy to have my plans be more concrete! Going through the college choosing experience has really made me VERY thankful for what Ohio Hi-Point is doing and has done to prepare me for my next steps!

I’m pretty sure I told you I work for our Marketing & Communications office at OHP, didn’t I?
We are putting together the first ever Ohio Hi-Point Battle of the Bands! ๐Ÿ™‚ Mr. Haggerty has kinda made me in charge of this project’s marketing, so I’m super stoked about that! Something cool to talk about in interviews and to build my resume! Also I’m working on a (somewhat secretive) project regarding the use of social networking sites and basically just trying to solve some issues with internal communications which should be another good experience!
The cool thing about my job though is that it is primarily during school hours. I work ALL DAY on Fridays. =) Also, its $9.25 an hour! So not working alot doesn’t affect my ability to pay for gas and things like that! =)

Other/Personal Life
BPA! I’m going to the State Competitions tomorrow for Business Professionals of America! I think I have a great shot at advancing to nationals too. My competition is Advanced Interview Skills, and so far I’ve gotten GREAT feedback on all of my practice interviews, so I’ll let you know the results of that on Friday or Saturday!
Also, I must confess I have become re-obsessed with boy bands. lol I feel like I’m back in elementary, but I don’t care! Haha. NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, Hansen, you guys are my generation’s Justin Beiber and I will always love you! ๐Ÿ˜€

I think that’s about all my brain can squeeze out right now… I hope you enjoyed my book!

Shelby =)

A video created by Trevor Bertsch, and myself for our IT lab at OHP… Enjoy!

Can I just say?

What would you say if I finally told you how you make me feel? That being around you makes me feel like I don’t deserve to exist? Would you feel like you’ve accomplished a goal? I mean really, you proclaim the truth, but live a lie. How much is it to ask for the love of Christ to be shown? Am I really so awful that you can’t even stand to do that much?

I’m exhausted.

I’m tired of trying to be what it is that you want because I find it to be impossible. I want to talk it out with you, but I can’t get the time of day. I hate not knowing what I’m doing wrong at any given moment. I’ve spent a long time trying to please you, but it can’t be done… at least not by me.

I’m hurt!

I’ve cried myself to sleep over your actions toward me! All I hear are the rumors and lies you spread about me! I can’t stand to be around the people you’ve told “what you know about me!” I can’t take this anymore!

Our church is (re) starting it’s youth group up! =) I’m excited for this new beginning! We’ve chosen the name Question or Quest-ion because we are a small part of Quest Community Church, and because we (now) have the tagline “Who’s in your nucleus?”
Anyway, here are some of my designs for a youth group t-shirt:

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July 2024

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